I’m Getting Closer
I’m getting closer to writing the part that’s going to bring back bad memories. I just have a Councilors’ meeting, Herta’s release and Reikert being a shit before I get to it.
By E. Lynn Cormick on
I’m getting closer to writing the part that’s going to bring back bad memories. I just have a Councilors’ meeting, Herta’s release and Reikert being a shit before I get to it.
By E. Lynn Cormick on
The next part of the fourth Herta Tanner novel is going to be especially hard for me to write. Right now, the PoV isn’t Herta but everyone else. When I get back to Herta, it’s going to bring back some painful memories and there’s going to be a world of hurt all over the place. I don’t know how Turan… Continue reading "I’m Afraid"
By E. Lynn Cormick on
The digital version of Sweet On Death is up and running. The print version is going to take a day or so longer.
By E. Lynn Cormick on
My book, Sweet On Death, is to be available for publication today, but it may take a day or two for it to appear on Amazon, Barnes & Noble or even on Kellan.selz.com. I’ll let you know when it’s live. Herta Tanner is back and taking lessons in Tiel mental self-control from a former teacher of Turan’s. At least, she… Continue reading "When Kellan Gets Around To It"
By E. Lynn Cormick on
I’ve found something that’s harder to do than writing a novel. It’s writing a review. Some say to go into detail about what’s good and what isn’t. Some say don’t, just write about how the book made you feel and what you thought of the writing style. I took the latter option, mostly because I was still in the throes… Continue reading "Harder to do than write."