Coffee’s On!
The chat room at Delphi Forums is open. Come have a cuppa and a chat.
By E. Lynn Cormick on
The chat room at Delphi Forums is open. Come have a cuppa and a chat.
By E. Lynn Cormick on
I’ve quit my regular job to work full-time on my books, but I’ve found that I need at least a part-time job to make ends meet. I applied for a position with one of the local printers. I’m hoping to do desktop publishing with them, but to be honest, I’d probably take any position I can get. This particular printer… Continue reading "Local Happenings"
By E. Lynn Cormick on
Chat’s open at You’re welcome to join me for coffee and cookies.
By E. Lynn Cormick on
How do you judge how well your publicity is doing if you can’t see the person’s facial expression or body language? How do you know if your marketing schemes are working? By your book sales, your publisher will tell you. Yes and no. Book sales can be an indication of how your publicity is working, but it could also mean… Continue reading "To Market, To Market, To Buy A Fat Book"
By E. Lynn Cormick on
I’m over at Delphiforums for a chat, if anyone’s interested.