Large Print Books for the Der Reizen series available.
The large print versions of the Der Reizen series are available on Amazon now. Well, almost all. I’m just waiting on the review of Slippery Slopes to finish. Should be done by tomorrow.
By E. Lynn Cormick on
The large print versions of the Der Reizen series are available on Amazon now. Well, almost all. I’m just waiting on the review of Slippery Slopes to finish. Should be done by tomorrow.
By E. Lynn Cormick on
I had to read this story twice, once for the review and once to find everything I’d missed, the subtleties of speech and mannerisms. The story is fascinating. It documents the travels of one Jim Bishop, widower, as he searches for the people who helped his late wife in her final few minutes. While it takes place in the US,… Continue reading "Review: The Awakening of Jim Bishop by Ben Sharpton"
By E. Lynn Cormick on
All I have to do is let the whole thing warm up (spent time in the car with a high of -28C). It didn’t freeze, but it was decidedly below room temperature. After it warms up, I get to plug everything in and see if I can install Photoshop and Illustrator, at the very least, and maybe InDesign for my… Continue reading "Well, we’re back in business"