Chat Time!
I’ll be moderating a chat at Slackchat again in about 1/2 an hour, if anyone’s interested in wandering over.
By E. Lynn Cormick on
I’ll be moderating a chat at Slackchat again in about 1/2 an hour, if anyone’s interested in wandering over.
By E. Lynn Cormick on
I enrolled in the program. I gave away 20 copies of my book so that their readers, those interested in the book, can read and review it. If nothing else, it’ll give me a good idea of what I need to improve in the books. I just hate waiting. 😉
By E. Lynn Cormick on
Well, I survived the book reading, but I’m not sure how. I think by the time it came to read out loud to strangers, I was so worn out by my panicking that I didn’t have anything left to panic. I had an interview with the local paper representative and I don’t think I screwed up too badly. I was… Continue reading "I Survived the Book Reading!"
By E. Lynn Cormick on
Well, the date for my book reading is getting closer and closer and, while I’m not quite incapacitated by a panic attack, it tends to sneak up on me when I least expect it. On the plus side, it doesn’t hurt nearly as much as it used to do and I can move through it much more quickly than before.… Continue reading "Cue Panic Attack"
By E. Lynn Cormick on
I’m hoping to hold a chat at on March 24 at 1pm PDT/2pm CST (Saskatchewan time) 8pm GMT, if anyone’s interested in popping in to say hello.