Unnamed Story and Unnamed Characters
I’m in the process of writing, I think, a short story about a young shifter from Tielen who wants to be on Turan’s Exchange Program. It might end up being a longer short story, or a novella. Or a novel. I haven’t decided yet. I’ve only got about 9 pages (single-spaced) done and about the same in notes and selected scenes.
I don’t normally write scenes out of order, but I had some great ideas, I think, for the story. We’ll see what happens when I try to meld those scenes into the rest of the story. For what it’s worth, I’m about halfway done Chapter 2. If I can set each chapter as 10 pages without forcing the issue, I’ll be doing well.
All I need now are some names. The MMC needs parental names, the FMC needs grandparental names, and I need a name for a bully, as well as his side-kicks. Oh, and one for a ‘least favourite teacher’ who handles the exams. Time to hit the phone book, but if you can come up with any ideas or suggestions, drop a line or send me an email or post a comment here.