I’ve Been Busy But Chat’s On
I’ve been really busy this week. Thank you for being patient with me. Chat’s on over at DelphiForums.
By E. Lynn Cormick on
I’ve been really busy this week. Thank you for being patient with me. Chat’s on over at DelphiForums.
By E. Lynn Cormick on
I’ve added a section for my short stories to the main menu. Feel free to pop over and take a look at some of the things I’ve written. Also, a chat will be on tonight at 11 pm EDT at DelphiForums, as usual.
By E. Lynn Cormick on
I’ve done a picture’s worth of words but not on Beginnings, Harvest of Values or Slippery Slopes. There was a small incident at a friend’s place, where two people saw what I didn’t. I stared at the place, but the only thing that happened was that a story came to mind. I’m almost done it. I’ll post it when I’m… Continue reading "A Thousand More Words"
By E. Lynn Cormick on
I’ll be opening the chat room at Delphi Forums in about an hour and a half. Everyone’s welcome to come in. I’ll have cold drinks for the heated ones and coffee for those who require it.
By E. Lynn Cormick on
Chat will be open in a few hours, 11 pm EDT or 3 am Saturday, UTC. Delphi Forums