Progressing slowly but surely. I can do this.

I have one book formatted and ready to be sent to the publisher (after I get a hair cut and send my photo and bios in, of course) and one ready for editing. It’s been formatted. I just have to go look for the spelling and grammatical errors.

I have one page of a website that needs revamping and I have one website that needs to be completely overhauled. <sigh> And I’m doing all this why? It’s not like I get paid for it, but volunteering to do things I can makes for an upbeat day. There’s something about “Boy, you did a wonderful job on that page/site. Thank you.” that gets me every time. *lol*

The hard part, for me, is going to be this site. I don’t know if I can maintain it on a daily basis for very long. While I do okay when I’m writing a story, I tend to run out of things to say in a blog. And, come November, there’s NaNoWriMo, so writing here might be sporadic.  I’m going to try to write 2,500 words a day and have one novel finished and ready for editing by the end of November. But that’s still five months away. Five months of research to do.

Tell me again why I thought writing stories was a good idea?

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