Harvest of Values is Live on Audible!
Harvest of Values is available on Audible.com as an audiobook. We’re working on getting Slippery Slopes up before Hallowe’en and Beginnings up by Christmas. Fingers crossed.
By E. Lynn Cormick on
Harvest of Values is available on Audible.com as an audiobook. We’re working on getting Slippery Slopes up before Hallowe’en and Beginnings up by Christmas. Fingers crossed.
By E. Lynn Cormick on
Der Reizen is alive and well on Audible! At least, it was approved today and my records show it as live, but it might take the weekend to show up. We’re working on Harvest of Values next. With luck, it’ll be up and running in early June, if not sooner.
By E. Lynn Cormick on
I haven’t done much in the way of writing today. Most of what little I did was editing “Slippery Slopes” for the narrator. It was already formatted. I just needed to add some pronunciation information. “Harvest of Values” is already set to go for recording, once “Der Reizen” is finished. I have a chat tonight in Delphiforums, but I’ll see… Continue reading "No Writing Today, Just Script Editing"
By E. Lynn Cormick on
I know, I know. I’m putting the cart before the horse, but while I’m waiting to hear back from the Der Reizen narrator, and while I’m waiting for someone to offer to read Sweet On Death (Book 2), I’m doing a pronunciation guide and script for Harvest of Values. I’m 180 pages of 234 done. Just 50 more pages to… Continue reading "I’m Forging Ahead"
By E. Lynn Cormick on
Slippery Slopes has arrived! I have the entire collection. I’ll probably need to get a few more but for now, I am good.